The Association aims to promote machine knitting and to raise the standard of the craft by means of exhibitions, workshops, lectures and publications. Members are kept informed of such events through their Newsletter.
Scottish Machine Knitters Association is non-profit making and membership is open to all machine knitters worldwide. Those living in Scotland are regarded as Full Members and those living outwith Scotland are Associate Members. The only difference between the two categories of membership is that Associate Members may not vote at general meetings or seek election to the Scottish Machine Knitters Committee.
We would be delighted to welcome you as a member of the Association on completion of an application form.
If you are an event organiser and would like to invite us to attend then please get in touch.
Committee meetings are held regularly throughout the year and are also attended by Area Representatives. Area Representatives liaise with their local members and arrange workshops, lectures and social events.
Scotland is divided into the following areas:
The Administration of Scottish Machine Knitters Association comprises of:
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Events Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, Clubs Secretary, Newsletter Editor and a Webmaster.
Our Annual General Meeting is held in May or June.
The committee is elected from those members of the Association who have intimated that they are willing to serve. There are no paid officials but committee members are reimbursed for expenses necessarily incurred on behalf of Scottish Machine Knitters.
A Newsletter is produced and distributed to each member (digital or physical copies). We always encourage those who have an email address to go down the digital option, this not only cut costs but reduces waste of paper/ink for the environment.
The Editor welcomes any relevant material of interest to members, for example, hints, tips, patterns, items for sale or items wanted. However remote your address, all members can feel involved and part of the Association through the Newsletter. As usual with publications, the Editor’s decision is final over the content of each Newsletter.
We would kindly ask that any article to be submitted for the newsletter is sent to our newsletter editor before the 20th of the precluding month before the commencement of distribution.
Our membership runs from 1st June to 31st May. If you Join later in the year (December onwards) we can offer a half year tier membership. This date format assists our volunteers with managing all of the administration.
Annual subscription brings you access to the digital membership area and content, Newsletters with archive and the opportunity of attending all Scottish Machine Knitters Association events for a reduced or FREE fee.
Membership area will have the details for the Saturday Social meetings as well as any relevant updates about the associations events and news.
*Badges can be obtained from the Membership Secretary at a cost of £1.50 plus the cost of postage to wherever you are.
We are building our archive and will have a selection of newsletters available to look back through.
© Scottish Machine Knitters Association2025